
beeldmateriaal uit de film

Back to the Future (1985)

Mr. Strickland, Marty McFly & Jennifer Parker

Mr. Strickland, Marty McFly & Jennifer Parker

Jennifer & Marty

Jennifer & Marty

Marty McFly

Marty McFly

Biff Tannen & Marty McFly

Biff Tannen & Marty McFly

George & Dave McFly

George & Dave McFly

Linda & Lorraine

Linda & Lorraine

Dr. Emmett Brown and his dog Einstein

Dr. Emmett Brown and his dog Einstein

The DeLorean

The DeLorean

´Doc´ & Marty

´Doc´ & Marty

The ´Flux Capacitor´

The ´Flux Capacitor´

Hiding the time machine behind the ´Lyon Estates´ billboard

Hiding the time machine behind the ´Lyon Estates´ billboard

Marty, Biff & George

Marty, Biff & George

Lou & Goldie Wilson

Lou & Goldie Wilson

Stella & Sam Baines

Stella & Sam Baines

The ´Enchantment Under the Sea´ poster

The ´Enchantment Under the Sea´ poster

Marty & George McFly

Marty & George McFly

Lorraine & Marty in the car

Lorraine & Marty in the car

Marty standing in for Starlight´s lead guitarist

Marty standing in for Starlight´s lead guitarist

´Doc´ at the Clock Tower

´Doc´ at the Clock Tower

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