
beeldmateriaal uit de film

King Kong (2005)

Ann Darrow & Jack Driscoll are intimate on the ship

Ann Darrow & Jack Driscoll are intimate on the ship

Ann & Jack Kiss on the ship

Ann & Jack Kiss on the ship

The storm

The storm

Jack hiding behind a skull

Jack hiding behind a skull

Jack writing a film script

Jack writing a film script

Adrien Brody as Jack Driscoll

Adrien Brody as Jack Driscoll

Rehearsal on the island

Rehearsal on the island

Filming on the island

Filming on the island

King Kong and Ann Darrow meet in the street

King Kong and Ann Darrow meet in the street

Kong and Ann on the tower

Kong and Ann on the tower

Tower 2

Tower 2

Tower 3

Tower 3

New York City Skyline

New York City Skyline

Street shots

Street shots

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