
beeldmateriaal uit de film

50 First Dates (2004)

Henry Roth just jumped on a jet ski

Henry Roth just jumped on a jet ski

Henry Roth and his assistant Alexa

Henry Roth and his assistant Alexa



Nick (as Nephi Pomaikai Brown)

Nick (as Nephi Pomaikai Brown)

Lucy Whitmore

Lucy Whitmore

crazy Ula & Henry Roth at the driving range

crazy Ula & Henry Roth at the driving range

Marlin Whitmore and his daughter Lucy

Marlin Whitmore and his daughter Lucy

Doug Whitmore

Doug Whitmore

Tim Robbins´ Still Life With Woodpecker

Tim Robbins´ Still Life With Woodpecker

A romantic sundown

A romantic sundown

Lucy Whitmore & Henry Roth

Lucy Whitmore & Henry Roth

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