
beeldmateriaal uit de film

Highwaymen (2003)

Hit & Run

Hit & Run

James ´Rennie´ Cray

James ´Rennie´ Cray

Cray´s Mustang on the highway

Cray´s Mustang on the highway



Alexandra Farrow

Alexandra Farrow

Molly in the tunnel

Molly in the tunnel

Will Macklin showing his badge

Will Macklin showing his badge

James Cray

James Cray

Molly & Ray Boone

Molly & Ray Boone

Molly & James ´in session´

Molly & James ´in session´

James Cray setting up a decoy

James Cray setting up a decoy

Molly kidnapped

Molly kidnapped

Will Macklin & James Cray

Will Macklin & James Cray

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